Commercial & Large Loss
In support of our core service officering, the Ethos Commercial and Large loss team has extensive experience in delivering innovative and client focused services across the Insurance Repair Industry and general construction management. We have vast industry experience working with highly complex projects and in delivering the full suite of claim cycle services, including Emergency Response, Makesafe, Restoration, Specialist & Causation Reporting and Repair Management.
Our Commercial and Large Loss team are all trade qualified and have extensive technical and industry knowledge across large and complex projects. They are empowered to deliver a seamless end-to-end customer service, and provide dedicated assistance and support to our clients immediately after a fire, flood and other large loss claims resulting in reduced claims life cycle, enhanced customer experience and savings from both a cost and time perspective.
Our in-house fleet of site plant & equipment provides great flexibility and control over costs for very short to very long term hire scenarios, while some of our more specialised items of equipment (such as mobile site toilets and dust containment walls) are implemented to reduce negative impact on the customer and in the case of a commercial claim, facilitate continued business operation with minimal impact , mitigating business interruption.
Ethos Building & Restoration have dedicated in-house large loss resourcing and process to support seamless transitions between makesafe , restoration and construction. Supported by our makesafe and IICRC accredited restoration team, joint early decision at makesafe stage mitigate further deterioration, reduce scope of repairs and building costs.
Large Loss service offering Features and Benefits:
Trade qualified team with comprehensive industry experience working with highly complex projects
Empowered to cover all aspects of building, from makesafe, restoration and through to total reinstatement works
End to end service alleviates large pauses in handover, reducing overall construction timelines and cost
Adaptable, innovative and flexible to ensure solutions focused approach
Seamless, effective and proactive project management to completion
In-house resourcing and capability
Supported by dedicated Claims Account Management to liaise directly with insureds to facilitate a highly efficient repair experience