24 hour Emergency Makesafe
Ethos Building & Restoration offer a 24 hour Emergency Makesafe Service for our clients and their customers throughout our service regions in Victoria. We’re here to help 24/7.
Ethos Building & Restoration specialise in emergency makesafe services and offer a reliable and streamlined service regardless of complexity. We also specialise in large scale make-safe facilitation, ensuring cohesion between makesafe, restoration and future repairs for a better outcome. Our highly experienced industry professionals respond quickly with a reliable and streamlined service to mitigate against further damage, risk, and safety. We collect all necessary claim information to action promptly and cost effectively. Following the initial make safe, a report is supplied including photos, damage assessments and a preliminary repair estimate.
24/7 Operated Service
- Speak to a real person every time- no waiting for return phone calls
- • Experienced supervisors appointed to each makesafe
- • Project management of Domestic & Commercial large loss makesafes
- • All building contents and service restoration
24HR Turnaround Detailed Site Report
- Receive a detailed description of damages, action taken and next steps
- Transparent costings, with agreed rates and full breakdown provided
- Full photo schedules and preliminary repair estimates included
24/7 Makesafe Emergencies
- Extensive experience in domestic and commercial emergency situations
- Immediate access to emergency trades, including large scale capabilities
- We specialise in loss mitigation and minimising business interruption
- Earthquake • Structural • Flood • Fire • Storm • Escape of liquid (EOL)